Preventing and Responding to Domestic Violence in Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, or Queer (LGBTQ) Communities

June 2019

This resource is made available by the National Resource Center on Domestic Violence (NRCDV)


“Although the U.S. has made exciting progress in recent years, from the passage of marriage equality to shifting culturally-held definitions of sex and gender, people who identify as Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, or Queer* (LGBTQ) continue to face widespread violence, harassment, and discrimination. While research is limited, the research that is available indicates that members of LGBTQ communities experience domestic and sexual violence at rates that are equal to or higher than non-LGBTQ people, particularly when they hold additional marginalized identities, such as being a woman of color or an undocumented immigrant.

And while they experience high rates of violence, LGBTQ survivors also often face significant barriers to safety and accessing services, such as historical over-incarceration and harassment by police, unintended outing, discrimination by service providers, and a lack of culturally responsive services that can result in revictimization. Additional layers of oppression often add to these barriers – the 2015 U.S. Transgender Survey (USTS) found that “transgender people of color who completed the survey experienced deeper and broader forms of discrimination than white USTS respondents,” and although they experienced higher rates of interpersonal violence, Black respondents reported less comfort reaching out to police, medical professionals, and shelters for help. Additionally, the lack of LGBTQ-inclusive violence prevention efforts and healthy relationship programming in most communities results in low levels of awareness of the prevalence and impact of domestic and sexual violence in LGBTQ communities. This special collection is intended to help domestic violence organizations address these gaps in services for LGBTQ survivors.

The information in this special collection offers an overview of research and resources that are currently available on preventing and responding to domestic violence within LGBTQ communities. Resources provided in this special collection are especially relevant to organizations and individuals who want to increase their capacity to provide culturally responsive intervention services to the LGBTQ survivors of domestic violence and to those who want to work with LGBTQ communities on prevention strategies.”

Learn more about the special collection here and view it here