Assisting Victims of Human Trafficking in the Protection Order Process: Challenges and Options

October 2020

This webinar is hosted by the Battered Women’s Justice Project


Human trafficking victims often experience several forms of abuse, such as domestic violence and sexual assault. These survivors may be afraid to disclose information to obtain relevant legal assistance, thereby remaining vulnerable to traffickers. To address this issue, attorneys must have the knowledge and tools to understand human trafficking, identify victims, and recognize the legal needs of these survivors. This webinar will examine the complexities of human trafficking and the challenges survivors face when deciding whether or not to obtain a protection order. Participants will receive information on how to obtain tools, training, and technical assistance on understanding human trafficking and assisting survivors.

The presenters welcome your questions in advance; please email any questions to


  • Erika Gonzalez, Program Coordinator and Senior Attorney
  • M. Cristina Bae Chung, Training and Technical Assistance Senior Staff Attorney at the Coalition to Abolish Slavery & Trafficking (CAST)
  • Monica N. Player, Attorney Advisor, NCPOFFC

View the recording here