Psychological First Aid and Victim Assistance

July 2022

Recorded webinar from OVCTTAC


“Psychological First Aid (PFA) is an evidence-informed intervention for supporting people experiencing stress at any level to help reduce distress and foster adaptive coping strategies. PFA was designed initially to support people in the immediate aftermath of disasters, but its use expanded from the initial intent with the growing recognition of the benefits of PFA support in a range of stressful situations, from daily stressors to traumatic incidents. The approach is based on the understanding that people have predictable reactions to stress and that trauma is on the extreme end of the stress continuum. This webinar introduces the basic concepts of PFA that participants can use to support the recovery of crime victims and others impacted by trauma.”

View the recording here

Note: This is not a MiVAN training. If you want this webinar to appear on your MiVAN Transcript, please fill out a Self-reported Course Form. Please provide a screenshot of the end of the video as proof of completion.